Parenting in Athletics
Parenting is perhaps the toughest job in the world. You are supposed to be biased. You are supposed to care. You are supposed to support and help the process, but not interfere with learning or team chemistry. You will always be a huge part of any team’s culture, but if you are unable to release your child to the team, you may have an accidental negative effect. The ideas in the Elite Athlete Audios are designed to help your team mold a positive culture that maximizes the development of talent in each athlete. The five tracks in the Parenting in Athletics CD are titled:
- During the Game (11:18)
- After the Game (10:06) (Sample below)
- Warning: Helicopter Parent Behaviors (6:46)
- Ideas to Impress your Spouse (11:17)
- Strategies for Teaching Life Lessons (11:26)
Here is a lengthy excerpt (5:21) rich with insights for parents:
The Parenting in Athletics Audio CD is CD#5 in Coach Traub's Elite Athlete Audios. The first two CDs contain 18 audio lessons for athletes from any sport. The next two are guided relaxation training for anyone, followed by pitching and hitting guided imagery scripts and notes specific for baseball and softball. The Parenting piece does include a section of what not to do, but it is primarily a collection of researched ideas that are designed to aid parents as they work to develop the talent within their children.