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bookcoverThis book can guide your efforts to imitate the thought patterns of the greatest athletes in the world. You'll learn how to not only try hard, but to consistently give your best effort one play at a time.

Buy the Book!

200 pages PLUS over 3 hours of mental skills training on DVD. This content could sell for over $100 with different packaging.  

Get it here for 1/4 of that and if you're not satisfied, send it back for a full refund!

Remember: you're the most important coach you'll ever have.  This book is written to coaches, but is also appropriate for elite level athletes.

UTA Head Basketball Coach Scott Cross said, "This is the best book of it's kind for the collegiate athlete that I've found... and I've looked!" Coach Traub organizes the basic principles needed to "win" the mental side of the game into 5 sections: preliminary concepts, attitude, approach, focus, and response. If you (or your players) have talent and try hard, but often don't get the results you are capable of or deserve, this book will clarify how to identify weaknesses and make appropriate adjustments.  In other words, it will help you know what to do. It's up to you to then do what you know, but if you can, the sky is the limit!


Coaches Choice is the publisher (2009), and they wanted to include a companion DVD.  This DVD is a discussion of each chapter's topic and it is the perfect tool for having team mental skills training meetings.  Over 3 hours in all, each track parallels a chapter in the book and can be viewed separately (3-20 minutes per track).  For example, coaches may want to show their team the track on discipline to reinforce the message they are emphasizing that week to their players.

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